miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008


Music MGP is a musical sort that, besides the instrumentation and technology applied for its creation, conserves the formal structure " verse - refrain - verso" , executed of simple, melodic, pegadizo, and normally assimilable a way for the great public. Their great differences with other musical sorts are in the melodic and clear voices in first plane and linear and repeated percussions. It began in century XX in England, the decade of the 60. The MGP, name that comes from pop music, is the extended musical sort more between the youthful culture of principles of the 21st century. Leaving back to the sort rock, although this one has many followers and has served as influence, is direct or indirect, to many interpreters or groups of music MGP. Also we can say that within the amplest sort of the rock interpreters and bands exist that at certain moment usually are considered music MGP.

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